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Laws Of Power

I did a Live Reading on Youtube yesterday and spoke about correlation of manifesting and detachment. It can be especially hard to do this when you are emotionally attached to whatever you are manifesting, whether it be love, career, or a special outcome. No, it's NOT easy, but the challenge of creating this routine will benefit you in your manifesting technique for years to come!

Here's a picture I took on November 1st 2020 in an Uber ride I took after an emotional night leaving my abusive ex's home. I can't even remember why I was upset, but I'm pretty sure it was over some low vibrational shi*t. I was extremely lucky and blessed to grab a ride by a funny, kind, and selfless Uber driver who was a father and husband. Spoke soo highly of his wife, and told me I was his last ride before returning home. He made me laugh and encouraged me to read one of the books he had in the backseat. I picked up the The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene (read the book for FREE here)out of curiosity. I wanted to see what all of the hype was about. I asked him if it was okay to take pictures of the pages and he said yes. I began taking photos of the pages. that spoke to me.

Here's the page I remembered last night and showed on live:

it's page 271 (in the book) and it's



Wisdom in a nutshell:

• The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him. The less interest you

show, the more superior you seem.

• Remember: You choose to let things bother you. You can just as easily choose to

consider the matter trivial and unworthy of your interest. That is the powerful move.

• If it is impossible to ignore, then secretly get rid of it. Sometimes threats just go away by


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